Okay so it’s 11:15 pm and Alex and I are trying to get as much reviewed as possible before tomorrow. There’s one young author I just couldn’t ignore and instead of typing up my discussion points, I wanted to make sure we wrote something about her work. [gn_frame align=”right”]
We met Gizelle Gajelonia for the first time at a Celebrate Reading Orientation. She was quiet and modest, happy to sit and listen to everyone talk. She spoke briefly about her book, Thirteen Ways of Looking at TheBus (TinFish Press, 2010). It’s a slim collection of poems inspired by TheBus, light-hearted and funny on the surface. Well, firecrackers really do come in small packages, and this little book is like those mini-bombs people start firing off after Halloween–it really packs a punch. Gizelle writes about the entire public transportation experience, from humorous things and people to seemingly mundane things like the weather and bus signs. But underneath all that, there’s a depth to her observations and a keen and critical eye to the way she conveys imagery. This short book will stay with you a long time, and you’ll never look at TheBus the same way again.
This is a great book. I wish I wrote it. If you’re at all interested in experimental poetry or writing about things you see everyday, I encourage you to attend Gizelle’s session!