The world’s books are as diverse as the people who read and author them. Hawaiʻi’s own literary landscape is beautifully unique because of the various cultures that inhabit its islands. Mark Twain, Robert Louis Stevenson, Jack London—these are well known names in literature, but they are also important to Hawaiʻi’s individual literary history. These great authors had much to say about our islands and there are many more authors like them to be found still. The main purpose of this blog is to provide people with a comprehensive platform to learn and discuss books about Hawaii and the Pacific, books by local authors, or books published by local companies. Hawaiʻi’s books are multi-cultural and multi-generational with universal conflicts and themes. So we hope to:
- Provide useful criticism and reviews both personal and academic.
- Explore how Hawaiʻi and its various cultures are portrayed in literature, and how they are received by audiences.
- Entertain and showcase our island quirks, humor, unique perspectives and interesting characters.
- Promote local literature to a mainstream audience and help others experience the culture of our islands through its books.
- Encourage literacy and reading, writing and creative expression, within the community.
Please enjoy the site and leave your comments and suggestions! We’d love to hear from you!
Blog Contributors
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Misty-Lynn Sanico
Role: Writer/Chief Editor
Hometown: ʻEwa Beach, Hawaiʻi
I am a shameless bibliophile currently working for a private corporation in the background investigation and information security industry. Making cupcakes, dancing hula, and playing ukulele are a few miscellaneous past times. I am also a freelance writer and starting editor who loves collecting books.
My literary interests are varied–art history, grammar, humor, fantasy–but I have a deep and stubborn love for fairy tales and folktales. I have several projects in the works but I’m looking forward to making ‘Hawaii Book Blog’ a smashing success! I want this site to be helpful and entertaining but also provide insight into what makes our island’s literary culture so special and unique. Shaka for books!
Contact me at
Follow me:
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Alex Alba
Role: Editor/Site Administrator
Hometown: Salt Lake, Hawaiʻi
After months of coaxing, I became a full-time editor and webmaster for HBB in May 2009, and now love (almost) every minute of it. Aside from writing reviews, articles and book lists or trying to recode the site I also keep busy maintaining the Events Calendar and focusing on our Twitter account. E-MAIL ME YOUR EVENTS! 🙂
I’m a proud former employee of Aloha Airlines and you may notice it color a few of my posts in the past such as my reviews of Wings of Paradise and Stories of Aloha.
My book interests often fall along American and Hawaiian History, politics, law and philosophy. I’ll devour nearly any non-fiction book in my path but I am also a sucker for a good piece of fiction or a witty children’s book.
Contact me at
Follow me:
I can tell that the author and creator of this blog has an enormous amount of love for our island culture, is well educated and has the mana “spiritual power” of our aina. Keep up the good work and hope to see one of your books published one day.
[…] you may have read in HBB’s “About” section, we began this site over a year and a half ago because we felt that […]
Dear Misty-Lynn and Alex.
Mahalo a nui! For your mention of my ebooks HOUSE OF SKIN PRIZE-WINNING STORIES and CANNIBAL NIGHTS, PACIFIC STORIES Volume II. I’m a fan of HBB since I discovered it! And Huki Links rocks! I hope one day to see your books published, too!Imua! And Hana Hou! With my aloha, Kiana DavenportWebsite http://www.kianadavenport.comBlog
Hi Kiana!
Thanks for your kind words, we’re big fans of your work and hope to do some more reviews of your books (and more) on HBB! Misty’s been working on a lot of writing, hopefully we’ll see more from her soon. Mahalo again and feel free to stop by anytime and leave us a comment! 🙂
Aloha Misty .. thanks for your mention of my blog! About three people in the world read it 🙂
Hope you had good holidays…
Last week I sent a book in for a review. I know it’s too early for the review, but I need to know for sure that you received Lehua ka’ao a ka Wahine.
Gene J. Parola